Welcome To
Masjid Al-salam Islamic School
The love for learning starts at the beginning.
School Vision
We see our students as lifelong learners who are proud of their Islamic heritage, excel in the Arabic language, and contribute positively to society with confidence and integrity.
Our Approach
At Masjid Al-Salam School, we believe that for younger children, play is key to healthy holistic development, and language proficiency is key to success.
Our Core Values
Adab emphasizes the cultivation of ethical virtues and moral character in students, guiding their behavior and interactions with others. This includes qualities such as honesty, integrity, humility, compassion, and respect for others, which are essential for fostering a harmonious and just society.
A’dab as a school value in a traditional Islamic school would encompass fostering an environment of respect, humility, and ethical conduct grounded in Islamic teachings, with the aim of nurturing students’ character, fostering positive relationships, and building a strong sense of community based on Islamic principles of morality and virtue.
The educational value of “expressiveness” for young children involves fostering their ability to effectively convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas through various forms of communication. Expression as a school value in school would involve creating a supportive and nurturing environment where students feel empowered to express themselves authentically while embracing their Islamic identity and striving for personal and spiritual growth.
In linguistic terms, “اﻟﺤﻴﻠﺔ” (al-hilah), which can mean resourcefulness or ingenuity in utilizing available means to achieve one’s goals. Resourcefulness incorporates several Islamic Principles such as: Tawwakul (Trust in Allah), Ihsan (Excellence), Ijtihad (Critical thinking and perseverance) and Barakah (Blessings).
In the Islamic sense, “اﻃﻤﺌﻨﺎن” (itma’nnan) refers to a deep sense of tranquility, serenity, or peace that comes from having faith in Allah (God) and feeling content with His decree.
Tranquility as a school value means that we prioritize the holistic well-being of students, fostering a sense of inner peace, emotional resilience, and spiritual connection grounded in Islamic teachings and values. By cultivating an environment of Tranquility, the school aims to nurture students’ growth and development in all aspects of their lives, enabling them to thrive academically, socially, and spiritually.
Our Learning Levels
Nursery for children 4-5
Children are nurtured through play based social learning; billingual pre-literacy in Arabic and English is developed through immersion techniques; and child’s ability to learn is boosted through a mix of personalised and group learning.
Kindergarten for children 6-7
A more rigorous teaching; Islamic grounding; crafting a strong identity through relegious and character education; and setting up children for success through a holistic curriculum.
What is special about our curriculum?
a- Grounding in Arabic and English.
b- A holistic curriculum nurturing the spirtual, rational, and productive capacities of children.
c- Learning through a mix of play, practical experience, and traditional educational methods.
Word from our school principal
They say it takes a village to raise a child. At Masjid Alsalam School, God’s willing, we aim to be the Muslim village supporting you in the delicate process of raising and educating your children. At Masjid Alsalam, we have been serving the muslim community of brampton for many years through a multitude of renowned services. Our school, although new, builds on more than a decade of expertise providing educational services.
Ibrahim Salem
BA Educational Studies, MSc Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education
Get in touch with us today!
Address: 160 Salvation Road, Brampton ON L7A 0W7
Email: admin@masjidalsalamschool.com
Phone: 905-840-5454
Send us your questions through email or Fill the Expression of Interest Form and we will call you!